
Prospector Login Change Beginning July 30, 2023

Starting Sunday, July 30, Tutt and Seay Libraries will switch from swiping users' magnetic stripe on their Gold Cards to having users tap their Gold Cards so we can use the RFID chip instead.
This should be seamless when checking out in the library, but it also means that you will no longer use your "Tiger number" printed on the front of your ID when requesting books through Prospector. Instead, you will use a number in tiny type on the back of your Gold Card. It is usually five digits, and is usually preceded by a special character that is not part of the number. It is followed by a longer number which is also not part of your ID number. In the image below, the user's ID number is 29559.


What is Prospector?

Prospector is a unified catalog of academic, public and special libraries in Colorado and Wyoming. Through Prospector you have access to over 30 million books and other materials held in these libraries, subject to availability.

Prospector may be used to obtain library materials for study and research that are not available at Colorado College but are available from other participating Prospector Libraries.

Where is Prospector?

Prospector is available on the library home page or may be accessed directly at .

Prospector loans may be picked up or returned at the Tutt Library Circulation Desk.

Who May Use Prospector?

Prospector services are available to current CC students, faculty, staff and administration. Alumni may not request books through Prospector.

Materials Available

  • Books, government documents, theses, music and some videos may be borrowed, depending on the lending library's policies. Please note: Videos and DVDs may be difficult to acquire, as many libraries will not lend.
  • Some materials reproduced in microform, such as newspapers, may be borrowed, depending on the lending library's policies.
  • Items temporarily in use/checked out, missing from Tutt Library, sent temporarily to the bindery, or on order for the library may be requested.

Materials NOT Available

The following types of materials cannot normally be obtained through Prospector:

  • Materials to be placed on course reserve
  • Multiple copies of the same title for one person
  • Periodical volumes
  • Bulky or fragile items
  • Reference books
  • Rare or valuable material such as manuscripts

Replacement for Lost or Damaged Items

Items will be billed at the Amazon price chosen by the library and a $25 processing fee. Replacement charges for bound journals from Pascal (storage) are set at $400 and items borrowed from The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) can be as high as $1000. Faculty members who check out and then loan Prospector items to students are responsible for the return or cost to replace them.

Requesting Prospector Materials

All requests must be submitted online by using the "REQUEST THIS ITEM" function in Prospector.

Please contact the Research Desk at (719) 389-6662 for a quick review of and/or help with submitting a request.

If an item in our catalog shows status as in but is not on the shelf, ask a Circulation Supervisor to change the status to "on search."

Delivery Time

Allow at least three to five working days to receive materials. The time taken for Prospector materials to arrive depends upon the availability of the item, and the lending library's workload and travel time.


When Prospector items arrive, you are notified via e-mail that you may pick them up at the Circulation Desk.

Loan Periods and Renewals

  • The loan period is 21 days from time of checkout.
  • Loan periods DO NOT follow the CC Block Plan. Please be aware of the due dates.
  • One 21 day renewal is permitted. You may renew online through View your Record.

Returning Materials

All Prospector items must be returned to the Circulation Desk by the due date. Please leave any book bands attached.

Late return, lost of, or the poor care of materials jeopardizes the ability of our library to borrow items from other libraries for you in the future.

Overdues and Fines

  • Library privileges are blocked when an item is three weeks overdue.
  • Replacement: Current Amazon price for a new item and $ 25.00 non-refundable processing fee.

Prospector Coordinator

For assistance or questions, please contact:

Ben Harrison
Circulation Services Coordinator
Email Ben

(719) 389-6148

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/13/2024