Chaplain's Office In The News
Check out this story on Sacred Grounds in the Catalyst!
Sacred Grounds Receives Student-Inspired Renovation
CC students assist refugees while in Greece. Read more
Recently Hillel our Jewish student community was featured in the Gazette. Click the link to read more.
Shove Chapel recently installed a new sound system! Read all about it here
Spiritual Life and the Outdoor Education recently partnered for a block break adventure titled In the Flow, a spiritual rafting trip on the Colorado River. An article on this trip was featured in the ORC newsletter.
Chaplain Kate Holbrook represented the Association of College and University Religious Affairs at the United States Air Force Academy Religious Respect Conference. Along with military officials, representatives from Chaplain endorsing bodies, the Anti-Defamation League and ACLU, Kate Holbrook helped review their religious respect curriculum.
Shove Chapel is also frequently used as a recording studio. Recordings from these Chapel Sessions can be found at