Tuition and Fees

Undergraduate Tuition

Summer Session is an additional and optional term and carries its own additional tuition.

Undergraduate Room and Board

Colorado College students can choose to live on campus for Blocks A and/or B and have the accompanying meal plan.

Block C courses will be entirely remote, and limited student housing will be available.

Housing and meal plans rates are subject to change.
Students who are interested in applying for financial aid can find more information about the process on the Summer Session Financial Aid page. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Estimated Summer 2024 Charges (per block)

Fixed Direct Charges



Blocks A, B, and/or C


 $927/block for double-occupancy (anticipated cost)

$1,027/block for single-occupancy (anticipated cost) 


CC students enrolled in summer courses or participating in other CC-sponsored activities can reside in Matthias Hall during Blocks A, and B.

Block C courses will be entirely remote, and limited student housing will be available.

On-campus housing is optional for students taking courses during the summer. Lower price for a double-occupancy room, higher price for a single-occupancy room.

Financial aid is only awarded at the double-occupancy rate.

Meal Plan

$153-$691/block (anticipated cost)

$153 for Tiger Bucks
$422 for half meal plan
$691 for full meal plan

Financial aid is only awarded for full meal plans.

Estimated Expenses   
Books and Supplies Allowance  $155
Misc. Allowance  $188 Personal expenses
Transportation $410 Travel to and from campus
Total Estimated Costs  $7,833-$8,471


Health Insurance cost if you are required to sign up for the Student Health Insurance Plan due to inadequate coverage



All students are required to have health insurance while attending Colorado College and to provide annual proof of coverage. The college offers a comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan, and student coverage for the previous spring will carry over.

Students are not required to participate in the college's health insurance plan if they have other health coverage. All students must either ENROLL or WAIVE the health insurance plan every year through the waiver portal.

If a student elects coverage under a different plan, their health insurance must meet minimum criteria, which are available on the Student Health Insurance Plan website.

More information is available with our Student Health Center. Costs for health insurance is adjusted and published every summer by the Student Health Center. 

Total Estimated Cost with Insurance


Other Fees which may be charged to a student's account

  • Gold Card replacement - $30
  • Traffic fines, parking fines, library fines, residence hall damage, and broken or not-returned equipment may be charged to the student account - fees vary.
  • Course Program Fee - Summer courses occasionally have an associated program fee. Please check course listings, where fees will be listed if applicable

Wild Card

Every Colorado College undergraduate is eligible for one Wild Card. The Wild Card is equal to one unit of Summer Session tuition and is automatically applied to your student account when you register for your first summer course. The Wild Card is available if the student has met the following requirements:

  • Available upon completion of one semester at CC.
  • Must be pre-registered for the following year at CC.
    • Students expecting to graduate in May or August are not eligible to use their Wild Card
  • Must be used before all requirements for graduation have been met.
  • Automatically applied to first Summer Session course, and is non-transferable
  • All course drop penalties apply when using the Wild Card.
  • Does not apply to program fees.
  • May not be used for independent study courses.

Dropping a Course

For off-campus Summer Session course add/drop/transfer and cancellation information,see the Center for Global Education and Field Study webpages.

  • Notifying your professor does not release you from financial obligations; while courteous, it does not withdraw you from your course.
  • Students can drop their course through Banner up until 3 weeks before the Block begins
    • After this period, the Drop function will no longer be available in Banner and students must go to the Registrar's Office to withdraw from their course
  • If summer aid has been awarded, please refer to the Financial Aid Office and their Return of Title IV Funds Policy regarding withdrawals.
  • Any charges will be based on the date the Registrar's Office dropped the course registration.
    • See below for drop dates and related fees.

Course Cancellations by Summer Session Office

  • On-campus courses that do not meet the minimum enrollment requirement three weeks prior to the start of the course will be cancelled.
  • If a course is cancelled, Summer Session will notify enrolled students by email.
  • If you are enrolled in a cancelled course, you may transfer any paid tuition to another course or receive a refund of any tuition paid.

Tuition Penalties for Dropping On-Campus Courses

Charges apply to dropping an on-campus Summer Session course
without replacing it with another on-campus course.


Tuition Penalties

Up to 3 weeks prior to course start date

Block A: Before May 7th

Block B: Before June 3rd

Block C (REMOTE ONLY): Before July 1st

Not charged, refunded if paid

3 weeks prior up to the 3rd day of block

Block A: Within the period of May 7th - May 30th

Block B: Within the period of June 3rd - June 26th

Block C (REMOTE ONLY): Within the period of July 1st - July 24th

30% tuition charged

After the 3rd day of Block

Block A: After May 30th

Block B: After June 26th

Block C (REMOTE ONLY): After July 24th

100% tuition charged


Transferring from one Summer Session Course to another (Drop, Add Different Course)

Course Drop with Add Tuition Penalties
Same number units of credit Not charged if transferred to new course

Fewer number units of credit

30% tuition charged on difference in units dropped and not replaced

Auditing Summer Courses

The designation of "Audit" is a registration status used when students officially register for a class without earning a letter grade or credit. Audit courses are subject to full tuition and fees.

Students may register for a summer class on an audit basis only when space is available and only with the permission of the instructor and Director of Summer Session. Students who receive permission to audit a course are expected to attend classes regularly and complete assigned readings. Other requirements regarding participation are to be agreed upon by the instructor and Director of Summer Session.

No audited courses can be counted toward a degree. They cannot be paid for with financial aid or the Wild Card.

All students attending and participating in a course must be officially registered. No provisions for students to merely "sit-in" on summer courses are made and attendance without payment of fees is prohibited.

Report an issue - Last updated: 10/07/2024